“Repurchasing” the Orchard
Sometimes the answer is right in front of you. You just have to be willing to take the cues and pay attention. When we stopped and reflected, we knew we couldn’t leave the orchard behind.
The Ultimate Guide to Sourdough
Winter is coming...
Which, for us, means life slows a bit.
5 Year Old Bread
Work on the orchard is never-ending and all-encompassing. We knew this would be the case when we bought this property, and, for the most part, it is the kind of work that you hit your pillow at the end of the day with a deep sense of accomplishment and productivity.
On the Orchard: an update
I skipped over a broad update on orchard happenings for the little snapshot of the bees. There is so much to be told about the happenings between my last update in March and now, almost the end of May!
Darling, my honeybee
I apologize to the fledgling group of blog followers that have inquired about when I might be sending along another post. It has been over two months
Meet the Cherries
There are many questions surfacing relating to pruning and cherry varietals. I thought I would put together a brief post answering as many of those questions as I can.
The Making of Forest Cove Acres: McNeill Pt. 2
I mentioned in the last post, introducing Phyllis Badgley and my surprising connection to this orchard, that I will try to include as much of her own words as possible.
The Making of Forest Cove Acres: McNeill
I am going to attempt to write a series that follows the founding of the orchard at the turn of the 20th century through our ownership as Forest Cove Acres.
Weathering the Weather
Winter weather in Eastern Oregon typically comes in hard, earlier than expected. This whirlwind entrance quickly fades with a renewed appreciation for the last days of fall.
The Learning Curve
More than 21 years in the helicopter industry. More than 13 years in education. A brief lifetime in ranching, but never as an owner.
We Bought an Orchard
January 29, 2021- after just over four months of navigating a seemingly endless purchasing process, we are signed and recorded.
The History in the Name
Stress needs distraction. It seems each time this process doubled-down on frustrating stalls and control was outside our grasp…
Uncertainty and Momentary Heartbreak
There are innumerable cliché phrases relating to waiting, frustration, and emotional distress being a prerequisite for anything good in life.
Let’s Buy an Orchard
"Hey, I think we should go check out this orchard. That orchard we always drive by is for sale!"